From Death to Deathlessness
Answers to Seekers of the Path
Sensing the storm about to descend on his American commune, Osho responds to residents? and visitors? questions. The topics cover the whole spectrum of human concerns - poverty, AIDS, education, politics, creativity, sexual fulfillment, existentialism, psychology, nuclear war, power, relationships, money?. Osho answers each with respect and compassion, always going beyond the surface of the rational mind to the deeper waters, the very source.
Chapter Titles
Chapter 1: The Man of Compassion Has to Lie
Chapter 2: Abandon Hope All Those Who Enter Here
Chapter 3: Belief Is a Barrier, Trust Is a Bridge
Chapter 4: The Taste of Peace
Chapter 5: If You Really Love Me, Then Wake Up
Chapter 6: Wait and You Shall Find
Chapter 7: Doing Is Going to Be Your Undoing
Chapter 8: No Society Rewards Lovers
Chapter 9: My Empire Consists Only of Emperors
Chapter 10: Become More and More Sensuous
Chapter 11: I Am Not Your Father
Chapter 12: The Song of the Tide
Chapter 13: Put Mother Theresa in Jail
Chapter 14: Get Out of This Sheepskin
Chapter 15: We Are the Only Alternative
Chapter 16: This Moment: The Golden Key
Chapter 17: Becoming Is Going Away from Being
Chapter 18: Man?s Monkey Mind
Chapter 19: Belief Is a Dirty Word
Chapter 20: There Is a Bigger Universe Within You
Chapter 21: Science Has to Be Religious
Chapter 22: Tomorrow Is In the Womb of Today
Chapter 23: You Are Born As Freedom
Chapter 24: Blessed Are Those Who Doubt
Chapter 25: Cut the Roots of Guilt
Chapter 26: Your Aloneness Cannot be Destroyed
Chapter 27: Anonymous Graves
Chapter 28: Education Is Amoral
Chapter 29: Judgment Day Is a Very Stupid Idea
Chapter 30: A Sunrise that Never Sets
Chapter 31: The Art of Being Human
Chapter 32: Silence Is the Highest Music
Chapter 33: This Nonsense of Nations
Chapter 34: The Power of Nothingness
Chapter 35: Too Much Doing
Chapter 36: Rise in Love
Chapter 37: The Eternal Light at Your Center
Chapter 38: Enjoy this Orgasmic Moment
Chapter 39: The Journey from Despair
Chapter 40: Your Music Is Your Madness
Excerpt from From Death to Deathlessness
Chapter 5
"The secret is simple: never take yourself too seriously, then nobody can hurt you. You cannot find any man on the whole earth who has been condemned like me. From all corners, from every country, from every religion, from every political party I have only received condemnation as my reward. But nothing has given me even a scratch.
Hurt? I don't know what it means. I never got hurt because I never took myself seriously. I did what I wanted to do, I said what I wanted to say. If they feel hurt and annoyed and start calling me names and condemning me, that is their problem, it is not my problem. I am finished, the moment I have said and done what I wanted to do, I am finished.
My teachers were always asking me, "What kind of man are you? We punish you, and you accept it as if it is a reward. That makes us so worried about you, whether something is wrong with you. Even after school we continue to think about you." Whenever a teacher took his cane and hit my hands - he would stop hitting, but I would go on keeping my hands held out, and I would ask him, "Is that all? I was expecting much more. You can do it - if not for this act, then do it in advance for something that I am bound to do."
Don't take it seriously - rebellion should be hilarious. It should be with a laugh, then nobody can hurt you. You won't have any sensitive part, vulnerable; your laughter, your hilariousness will be almost a steel cover over you."