Although these Zen anecdotes are delightful and fascinating in themselves, Osho's profound, stimulating and highly original commentaries uncover the mysteries behind these unique and exquisite exchanges between Zen masters and the people around them, so that their meaning and
significance become crystal clear.
Each of the commentaries is followed by Osho's answers to the many questions facing seekers as they explored their own inner worlds in his presence. He quite merciless yet equally compassionate
and humorous as he exposes people's illusions, delusions and hypocrisies. Like Zen masters in these stories, he provokes the reader into a direct experience of the present moment.
Zen is the way of the spontaneous - the effortless effort, the way of intuition. A Zen Master, Ikkyu,
a great poet, has said: "I can see clouds a thousand miles away, hear ancient music in the pines."
This is what Zen is all about. Osho