Reiki Pyramid - Master
Most powerful 3D Reiki tool in the world! Powered by unique 10 layer concept.
Tap the core power of the Universal Life Energy!
Reiki Pyramid
Fundamental tool to start 3D Reiki!
Specially designed Reiki Pyramid tool enhances the power of your distance healing 10-fold. Once programmed by the Reiki practitioner, this unique tool works automatically, day and night, with periodic attention and presence of the practitioner. It has been designed with special sacred geometry symbols and materials in such a way that once activated with symbols, it is capable of drawing Reiki from the universe continously.
This specialized, superior new tool helps the Reiki practitioners and Masters to amplify, channel and send distant energy that is a thousand times more powerful! You get a constant flow of strong energy from the wonder tool. Easy to use as the charge remains strong longer and channeling remains pure and focused, sending powerful energy every day.
. Empowered with a ten-layered energy grid.
. Contains 837 power pyramids, 101 yantras and 81 support-crystals, and 4sided gold plated triangular plates on the outside to improve cosmic interaction.
. Antahkarana grid and charger plates, 3 clear cryatals, 3 quartz crystals, clear quartz 6 faced pyramid and a clear Master crystal.
. Use of 91 3D Pyramidal spaces to amplify your healing.
. Innovative 9 copper plates on the bottom to provide a proper channeling of energies.
. Specially designed power plate in the middle with powerful yantras and copper triangles for clear and quick communication and transmission of distance healing symbols to the proper targeted area.
. Your tool is a part of the SmartNet so you automatically join the spirtual circle of light with millions of others to enahnce your healing.
. Works ten times more efficiently than a normal Reiki box.
. Just devote 10 minutes for each Reiki Pyramid tool everyday and save a lot of time in getting better results!
. By placing one Reiki Pyramid in your clinic and another Reiki Pyramid as a receiver at your patient's home you enhance the power and effectiveness of your distance healing 10-fold.
As shown in the figure, there are 3 components in this tool:
1) Reiki Power Top
2) Reiki Power Yantra Plate
3) Reiki Power Box (which contains)
a) Power Chips
b) Copper Booster Plates
First let us see how to assemble your Reiki Pyramid-
Step 1:
Take the bottom Reiki Power Box and place it on a table.
Step 2:
Take the Reiki Power Plate that has yantras made of copper and place it in the Reiki Power Box. See fig2.
Step 3.
. Keep a photograph (of asize that can easily fit inside the Reiki Power Box of your patient.
. Write the name, address and other details you require behind the photograph, to associate the tool with your patient. Write it clearly and with total attentiion and awareness of the purpose you are doing if for.
. Now place the photograph fscing upwards on the Reiki Power Plate. See figure.
. Repeat your healing symbols for three times.
. Now cover it with the Reiki Power Top.
Step 4:
. Give healing to the Reiki Pyramid tool for ten minutes everyday using the laying of hands procedure that you are comfortable with.
. . For more efficient results, prepare a 2nd Reiki Pyramid for your patient and ask him to keep it in his house (preferably in his bedroo m). He must lay his hands on the Reiki
Pyramid for 10 minutes everyday to receive treatment. The patient can lay his hands and visualize that he is getting Reiki and it is going to the right place to heal him.
This can be done once a day or more than once for better and faster results. It is not necessary that the laying of hands coincide with the timing of the practitioner when he is giving distant Reiki, but if done so, it will give better results.
. If the Reiki Pyramid is tampered with (or opened), the the patient needs to bring back the Reiki Pyramid to the Master/Practitioner so that it can be rercharged and then it can be reused by the same patient.
Smart Reiki Clinic is an excellent concept for all healers as it saves your time and empowers you to heal more people with the abundant pwer of Reiki that is showering upon you.
With this concept you will be able to give healing to all your patients with just one session, so that you can devote more time to the patients who need extra care and healing.
Healing is a powerful and limitless phenomenon and it is up to you to tap this power. SmartReiki clinic helps you to tap this power as the 3-D Reiki tools pick up the healing sparks generated within you even while you are healing one particular patient and then send it to all your patients for who you have prepared the Reiki Pyramid.
The best part about SmartReiki clinic is that just with little devotion of time it starts working automatically and works continuosly even while you are treating other patients.
For example, you work for 6 hours a day giving individual treatments. Then you have to spare time for all the other patients who require you to send them distance healing.
This takes up a big part of your day, leaving you very little or no time for your individual spiritual growth, meditation and other practices that help you become a better channel.
. You can make two Reiki Pyramid tools, one each for yourself and one for your patient.
. Keep one in your clinic and the other at the patient's home.
. Thos facilitates continuous, more effective and powerful Reiki, so you get faster and better results. See figure.
More Beneficial uses:
. You can use it to charge your own water, medicines, supplements, vitamins, lotions, aroma oils, crystals, gems, herbs, homeopathic medicines, flower remedies etc. to enhance their power for better results.
. These have to be placed on the ReikiPowerPlate. See figure.
. Give healing symbols to them three times, give healing for 10 minutes and keep overnight before using.
. You can also charge water in it by similar method by placing it in the ReikiPowerBox.
. Another interesting use is for sending specific vibratory healing forces for cases that require special sort of healing.
For example, you need to send a specific healing to a patient with use of a precious stone or a Rudraksha or an herb etc to enhance their healing.
Sometimes it is not possible for the patient to purchase such an article or it is not possible to show or let the patient touch certain powerful spiritual objects and articles. In such cases, it is ideal to use the Reiki Pyramid to place these objects while giving them distant healing.