Pyra Cap
Description :
Pyra Cap Mind power pyramid. This special Pyra Cap is very useful during study & meditation. It is most beneficial for improvement of memory, gaining confidence and reducing stress. Increases awareness, mindfulness and intelligence specially useful for children.
Mentally Challenged/ other mental disorders Pyramids researches have shown that these children can benefit for pyramid treatments. These children, if kept under pyramid or if allowed to sit under pyramid for 30-45 minutes every morning and evening, seem to be more calm, understanding and few cases may also show some signs of improvement in conditions. Though there is no claim of evidence, it has been used by many specialists as a healing aid to patients.
PYRA CAP La pirámide del poder de la mente Este pyra gorro es muy útil durante el estudio y la meditación. Es principalmente útil para mejorar la memoria, ganar en autoconfianza y aminorar el stress. Mejora la conciencia, el estado de alerta y la inteligencia. Especialmente útil para los niños.