Protect 9x9 Inside
Secret Features :
- Ideal for office, home & factory
- Accepted worldwide
- Compatible with both Vastu & Feng Shui
Protection and Luck enhancement tool protects from evil energy, Sha Chi of any sharp corner of objects, door, staircase or beam. Also protects from 'Poison arrow' & enhances good luck to bring fortune.The hostile objects in our houses are staircases, sharp corners of a room, beam overhead, pillar in the center, narrow passages, w/c attached to the bedrooms.
Can be programmed, due to the Pyramid Yantra and the Gold FaMaa chip in the center. Your wish can be for more business, health, children protection or just as simple as protection from evil power and bring good luck from all directions.
Protect Inside/ Protect Outside Instruction: Place the pyramid on your left palm cover with your right palm and give personal programming to work for you best. In case of glass door, affix with a double sided tape. In case the door has ornate carving and it is not possible to fix the pyramid on the door, it can be installed over the top of the door in between ceiling and door. A Protect 9x9 Inside will hang in the inside of the door. Protect 9x9 Outside will hang on the outside of the door. Make sure the door pyramids are stable and affix tape at the bottom to secure completely.
Easy To Use :
- Just place between your two hands and make an intense wish of the purpose.
- Place the pyramid on the door with a nail at the eye level.
- Can be fixed in multiples of 3 or 9.
PROTECT 9X9 INSIDE Herramienta de protección y aumento de la fortuna. Ideal para la oficina, el hogar y la empresa. Aceptado en todo el mundo es compatible tanto con el Vastu como con el Feng Shui. Protege de las energÃas maléficas, sha chi o de cualquier esquina aguda de objetos, puertas, escaleras o vigas. También protege de las ‘flechas venenosas’ y potencializa la suerte para atraer la buena fortuna. Puede ser programada con el protect yantra y fama-machip en el centro. De fácil uso: simplemente colócala entre tus manos y pide un deseo con todas tus fuerzas para el propósito que tienes en mente. Tu deseo puede ser para los negocios, salud, hijos, protección o solamente para neutralizar el poder maléfico, a través de la buena fortuna de todas las direcciones. Pégala en la pared o puerta. También puede ser fijada en múltiplos de 3 o 9.