Meditation Seat Pyramid
Secret Features :
- Power of 6561 pyramid yantra
- Includes 81 pre-programmed gold chip yantras and 648 copper chip yantras
- 729 magnets to stabilize the force of mother earth
- Special yantra on top for quick results
- Cosmic blue color for relaxation
Description :
Meditation on Pyramid Yantra "Meditation Seat" gives surprising results as it has inbuilt copper yantras to attract the uplifting force of heaven and magnets to stabilize the de-stressing force of mother earth. Thus making it very easy for us to connect and be a part of the blissful heaven-earth link. This specially designed seat with yantra on top helps us achieve health, happiness, and prosperity. It reduces stress and makes us feel more energetic and prepares us positively for success.
*Brings good health, success and prosperity
*Promotes physical relaxation and calmness
*Increases the level of vital energy in our body
*Gives us an opportunity to experience complete peace of mind
*Improves concentration, confidence and memory
*Helps us take important decisions at the right time to achieve success
*Develops harmony between mind and body
*Helps to cope with stress, tension, anxiety and depression
Relax and Enhance Your Meditation. People of every age and background are experiencing deep rest and peace in Meditation and many believe this energy-force within can be directed creatively. Pyramid biofeedback testing results showed higher Beta activity. Even when subject's eyes were open, several bursts of the Ta waves occurred between alpha patterns. This showed accelerated and deeper meditative states, which are easily possible within a Pyramid environment.
The eight most frequently reported reactions in Pyramids are:
(1) Tingling sensation,
(2) Feeling of warmth,
(3) Sense of weightlessness,
(4) Freedom from tension and feeling of relaxation,
(5) "Dropping away" of external sights, sounds and stimuli,
(6) Different colours, graphic visions and dreams,
(7) Time distortion
(8) Deeper, more satisfying Meditation
Easy To Use :
Sit in a quiet and peaceful room. It is easy to meditate in a quiet room that is free from interruptions of any sort. Take your meditation seat and place it on the floor, which enhances your better contact with the de-stressing force of mother earth. Now sit in a calm, comfortable and relaxed position on the seat. Gently allow yourself to focus on receiving more health, wellness, happiness, success and prosperity. Do not make a strenuous effort to concentrate. Just try to be aware of your needs and your surroundings. Be the part of the process and the heaven-earth link will connect on it's own. Breathe deeply and repeat your wish. Have faith and trust in yourself and your immense ability to achieve success. You are blessed all the time when you are the part of heaven-earth link. You have the power to transform your dreams and wishes into reality. Allow your sub-conscious mind to work for you. After some time when you feel like opening your eyes and returning back to your world of action, slowly open your eyes and start working towards your goal. Success is yours!
La meditación se volverá parte de tu rutina diaria. La práctica regular de este método probado, trae beneficios para tu salud y bienestar. AnÃmate a desarrollar el poder ilimitado del cuerpo, mente y alma. SILLA DE LA PAZ Y LA MEDITACIÓN Explora esta fuerza positiva para lograr el éxito en el mundo material y espiritual. Para activar un estado perfecto de meditación, necesitamos la fuerza descendiente del cielo o del paraÃso y también la fuerza de soporte de la tierra. Esta nueva silla pirámide meditación tiene incorporados 81 chips de cobre y yantras de 9x9 para potencializar la fuerza beneficiosa del cielo. También tiene localizados estratégicamente 81 magnetos tierra para materializar la fuerza de la madre tierra. Descubra el tesoro interior para alcanzar un estado puro de total conciencia y bienaventuranza. La meditación es también una medicina espiritual para aliviar la tensión, la ansiedad, el stress y otros desórdenes. La meditación sobre este asiento pirámide te puede ayudar a enfrentarte con el mundo externo competitivo y rápido y tomar decisiones rápidas y correctas con tu propio yo interno. Llévate a ti mismo a tu puro y perfecto yo, de adentro hacia afuera. La dimensión real 600x600 milÃmetros con una esponja confortable y un yantra especial adicional sobre la superficie superior.