Health 9x9 (set of 7 color pyramid) (For Color Healing by pyramids) Here is an absolutely unique method- FaMaa color therapy. This new system of pyra colors is developed from integral effect of color. Pyramid Yantra, visualization and deep rhythmic breathing for health and wellness. According to Prof. Dr. Bhatt, 3 Fa colors are Red, orange and yellow and Maa colors are green blue and violet. He has developed 6 health Pyra color plates and a supporting white plate. This is 9x9 and it is used as a pair for health and healing. Normally you use single white plate. But appropriate colored plate at the required location and one white plate in the opposite side can give better results.
Violet- Acts on consciousness, promotes awareness, prepares for meditation. Indications: Lymphatic system disorders
Blue- Cold color has a relaxing effect, valuable in treatment of all diseases involving heat. Indication: Pain, congestion, hemorrhoids, warts, sleeplessness, frigidity, menopausal difficulties.
Green- Neutral color, treats chronic problems, sedative, soothing, relaxing. Indications: Whooping cough, inflammation of the joints, tumors, ulcer, eye diseases, diabetes.
Red-Hot color, color with the greatest penetration, stimulates flow of blood.
Yellow-Fortifies the endocrine system, helps in chronic diseases of digestive system.
Orange-Gives energy, makes joyful color of the sun.
Chakras are important aspect of health. They are given much importance in yoga and healing. The functioning of chakras give us different energies at different levels for working and healing.
Chakra testing: For chakra testing first note where a particular chakra is located then place his/her left hand on that chakra and right hand raised at side, then as you press the persons right hand downward and he or she will resist upwards. Note the amount of resistance. Do this with all the chakras and note which chakra is with less energy.
Health 9X9 solution:Place one health 9 on the back of chakra and one above it. Leave it for 5 minutes. Practice twice a day. Doing this will balance the energy of chakra and charge them. Now, place one Health 9x9 on the back of that chakra and one above it. Leave it for five minutes twice a day. Doing this will balance your energy of chakras and charge them. (3) GLANDS The glands are very important parts of our body. Their secretions the hormones effect our mind, body and emotions. Our growth and many other factors in forming of a body are entirely depended on the secretions of hormones. If the function of glands is disturbed it effects the hormone which inturn interferes with its function. But, if there is some disturbance in secretion of hormones it helps in balancing them using Health 9x9. As in chakras, place one yantra on the back of your required gland area and one aboveit. Place it for five minutes twice a day. (4) ORGANS The different organs have to perform different tasks and that would cause wear and tear, tiredness and stress in them. Health 9x9 will turn to be a boon when placed below and above the required organ. Do this for five minutes twice a day. (5) GENERAL TONE UP (i) Place one Health 9x9 above and below the navel for five minutes twice a day. Doing this will tone uo the whole body. (ii) Using six Health 9x9 by placing two under the plams, two under the feet, one on the upperend of spine and one at the lower end of spine will charge the whole body. (6) BODY PAINS Body, our most precious asset has to be in balance and imbalance in it causes pains and aches. Health 9x9, when placed on the two sides of the paining area or organ for about five minutes twice a day will help relieving pain and aches.
He aquà un método único y absoluto -Terapia de color FaMaa. Este nuevo sistema de colores pyra está desarrollado a partir del color integral del yantra-pirámide, visualización y la respiración rÃtmica profunda para la salud y el bienestar. PIRÃMIDES DE LA SALUD
VIOLETA. Actúa en la conciencia, promueve el estado de conciencia, te prepara para la meditación. Indicaciones: para desórdenes del sistema linfático.
AZUL. Color frÃo, tiene un efecto relajante, valiosÃsimo en el tratamiento de las enfermedades producidas por exceso de calor. Indicación: dolor, congestión, hemorroides, granos, falta de sueño, frigidez, dificultades de menopausia.
VERDE. Color neutral, trata problemas crónicos, sedativos, suavizante y relajante. Indicaciones: Tos persistente, inflamación de las articulaciones, tumores, úlceras, enfermedades de los ojos y la diabetes.
AMARILLO. Fortifica el sistema endocrino, agudiza los procesos crónicos Indicación: Indicaciones: enfermedades del sistema digestivo. Fortelece el sistema nervioso
NARANJA. Produce energÃa, alegrÃa ,es el color del sol Indicación: Para el pesimismo, psicosis, depresión, miedo, agobiamiento, cansancio.
ROJO. Color caliente, el color de mayor penetración, estimula el flujo fuerte de la sangre Indicación: déficit en la circulación, inflamación, tos crónica, asma, anemia y el eccema.
JUEGO DE SALUD 9X9 De acuerdo con el profesor Bhatt, los colores Fa son rojo, naranja y amarillo y los colores Maa son verde, azul y violeta. Él ha desarrollado 6 placas de salud Pyra-Color y una placa de apoyo con el color blanco. Este es el conjunto salud 9x9 y es utilizado en pares para la salud y la sanación. Normalmente, puedes utilizar solamente la placa blanca, pero las placas de color apropiadas en el lugar requerido y una placa blanca en el lado opuesto, te pueden dar mejores resultados. BLANCO . Esta es una placa de apoyo para ser usada con placas de otros colores. Health 9x9 está disponible como conjunto con 6 colores y una placa de soporte blanca. También viene en paquetes de color individual y, con cada color, una placa blanca.