Description :
Unique help for pancreas Useful in pancreas, stomach and liver disorders. Contains 36-pyramids, 7-magnets, 36-acutips, 7-copper disc.SAFE NATURAL EFFECTIVE New Multi-energy Dia-Belt is designed on time tested combination of Magnetic theraphy, Acupressure, Pyramids & Metal therapy to provide you with natural & safe treatments without side effects. These functional belts contain bipolar magnets, aligned along acupressure meridians to improve metabolic activity, blood circulation and oxygen level of each cell. In addition, DiaBelt is also enriched with power pyramids to harmonize cosmic energy and universal metal gold-silver to amplify healing properties. Using this newest Multi-energy belt, helps releive pain and disconfort, also increases energy level and enhances effectiveness.
How to use:
* Select a comfortable sitting or lying posture.
* Fix your Dia-Belt at appropriate part (as shown on cover with red ring).
* Take care that the gold-silver tips touch your skin.
* Start with 5 minutes twice a day. Over a period of one month, you can extend
the treatments to 30 minutes.
* In case of discomfort, reduce the time. If symptoms persist consult your
* It is also complementary to usual medical care.
Get Optimum results:
* Close your eyes and visualize that a feeling of well being at the affected part is
taking place.
* Slow, deep and rhythmic breathing is important in manipulating the energy
* Soothing music, mantras or japs can accelerate the healing.
* Gradually go into a state of bliss and let the healing happen on its own for
optimum result.
DIA-B ELT Ayuda única para los problemas de páncreas Útil en caso de desórdenes de páncreas, estómago e hÃgado. Contiene 36 pirámides, 7 magnetos, 36 acutips y 7 discos de cobre.