To summarize the compassionate outpouring of the enlightened mystic, whose published library of work includes over two hundred titles, is challenging at best. In this collection of responses to questions,;Osho himself captures the entire message:"My whole teaching consists of two words, meditation and love.Here he introduces his vision of the new man who embodies the teaching - Zorba the Buddha. Into one identity, he brings together the lusty nature of Zorba the Greek and the silent stillness of the Buddha. The earthy Zorba and the ethereal Buddha are melded to become a silence which can sing and danceHe calls this new man the whole man: "The man is whole, the holy man," and showers such acceptance and love on each and every person that this vision becomes an immediate possibility for all.The jokes are numerous and hilarious. How does a holy man get to be so wickedly funny?
Come and hear the message: meditate, love - and laugh.