Protect 9x9 Outside
Secret Features :
- Ideal for office, home & factory
- Accepted worldwide
- Compatible with both Vastu & Feng Shui
Protect 9x9 Outside is a unique instrument made first time in world by Prof. Dr. Jiten Bhatt for bringing protection & good luck. It is must on every outside door. Protect 9x9 Outside includes a gold plate in center, surrounded by Feng Shui Bagua trigrams. It helps in protecting your house from Sha Chi, caused by shiny objects, sharp pointing corners, incomplete construction of nearby building, a heavy transformer outside the house, or water on the wrong side, etc. It can only be used outside the main door.
This is often used with two Bemor 9x9 Energy and luck enhancers, one on each side of the doorway.
Protect Inside/ Protect Outside Instruction: Place the pyramid on your left palm cover with a right palm and give personal programming to work best for you. Now place the pyramid on the door with a nail at the eye level. In case of glass door affix with a double sided tape. In case the door has ornate carving or double doors and it is not possible to fix the pyramid on the door, it can be installed over the top of the door in between ceiling and door. A Protect 9x9 Inside will hang in the inside of the door. Protect 9x9 Outside will hang on the outside of the door. Make sure the door pyramids are stable and affix tape at the bottom to fix completely.
Easy To Use :
- Just place between your two hands and make an intense wish of the purpose.
- Place the pyramid on the door with a nail at the eye level.
- Can be programmed, due to the Pyramid Yantra and the Gold FaMaa chip in the center.
PROTECT 9X9 OUTSIDE Para proteger la puerta El Protect 9x9 –outside es un instrumento único hecho por primera vez en el mundo por el Prof. Dr. Jiten Bhatt para protección y atracción de la buena fortuna. Debe estar colocado en cada puerta. El Protect 9x9 contiene una placa de oro en el centro que ayuda a proteger tu casa de sha chi, como en el caso de objetos muy brillantes, esquinas salientes agudas o construcciones incompletas de edificios cercanos, transformadores de corriente afuera de la casa, agua subterránea, agua en dirección equivocada, etc. El Protect 9x9 no solamente protege sino que también atrae las energÃas de ayuda para darte la buena fortuna. Tiene que estar fijado en el exterior de la casa en números de 1,3, o más, dependiendo de la intensidad del problema que afecte el sha chi. Esta pirámide yantra tiene una placa de oro energética en el centro que está programada o personalizada para tu yantra antes de aplicarse. Ilustración. Al entrar en las pirámides, éstas son las cámaras de protección y purificación.