In this important volume, Osho points beyond all paths, beyond all practices, beyond all accumulated wisdom. He shows the way to true liberation, and it is not where one might traditionally think of it. From the Zen master Kakuan's Ten Bulls,Osho shows the way to blissful
emptiness, only to return home to live life fully.
"We enter on rare pilgrimage. The Ten Bulls of Zen of are something unique in the history of human consciousness. Truth has been expressed in many ways, and it has always been found that it
remains unexpressed whatsoever you do. However you express it, it eludes - it is elusive. It simply
escapes description. The words that you use for it cannot contain it, And the moment you have expressed it in words, immediately you feel frustrated as if the essential has been left behind and only the nonessential has been expressed. The Ten Bulls of Zen has tried in a single effort toexpress the inexpressible."